
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

shape-shifter !

Inspiration!!! The Magical word I love!! , I love to be in love!! and that is about any thing in my life!. Love to do!!! And when I'm not not in there ,I look for it! I like to be inspire. Need to be inspire. Is on my blood! Comes from the Goddess line in my family!. When we are creating something is when we are the most ! in a happy space, body, mind ,spirit! Triple Goddess right in there. I search in so many ways my inspiration. I have today a beautiful day full of happy doing! Creating so many good things! My Garden is almost there, the Goddess Garden is where all begin.I still have to continue in there , by day I'm one by night I m some thing else! My art changes it shift to be totally different!
I like to think of I'm a vampire at night! I m a night person, owl , so we are call! And yes my owls are still so busy up there .By day I paint do my work at work, do home work bla bla bla. By night I do Goddess spells, read tarot cards, enchanted the moon, send blessings to my family! read all my favorite witches books and blogs! I always feel it! The night is coming I'm shape shifting .In all that is where my passion kicks and I become what I do best!! Witches work!!! Do I love that !!

Shape shifters are in so many legends !! back when i was a little thing!! I'm still the size ! but any way, our town got haunted by a shape shifter!!! I was no more then 8 or 9 years old!The women who was the shape shifter ! well was never found. But every night I remember to hear my Dad he wold not sleep well for all the noise out there. Do I ever tell you my childhood? I guess not. Well is a long long story!! I grew up in a little town in the middle of no where ! Plain and simple people, nobody was more or less , we all got our food at the table by the same company.Moms will stay home take care of kids, Dad will work at the company. So here is little Andrea, always trying to get in someone's bed , my sister, my brother ,my parents, the dog. Well no wonder, these town was fool of witches!! Yes and Yes!!. I was born there! So many things happen only at night time. So today I always feel it coming , energy's from ancient times , telling us other woman story's. My Mom a good Catholic lady , burned so many candles at night . Holy Jesus, holy Mary , you mention it she got it! The shape-shifter was call "La Mona" for a monkey female name! My dad said you can hear her at night screaming loud! My sister said she hear her crying on our mango tree ! To tell you my truth I never hear her!i was so full of pillows on my head! praying ,Please Please god don;t let me see her!! I was so right there on the window, and you know what was right in front of my window? The cemetery!!!Poor me , scare the hell from my crazy family, Mom praying , Dad keeping a open eye at nights! What a crazy little town.
I found those things crazy!And you probably think , she is just making her story ! no way . La mona , she is the soul of woman, desperate house wife! spirits that hunt those little places .Never I will ever disrespect her spirit , she is a crying woman, and up to today the story still goes around. .

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